Tagged: Borth

About to Cast 0

A Glorious Evening Fishing in Ynyslas

The last gasp of summer turned out to be a lovely one so after school Morgan and I went fishing again. There was barely a breath of wind, the sun was shining, the tide has just turned and the waters were clear. The waters were so clear and calm in fact that we could see...

Fishing 0

First Time Fishing at Ynyslas

Another busy Sunday for us but a good day again. I started with my usual run and swim in Machynlleth. Both were just a little longer than last week with 12x 90 second effort on the run rather than 10 and 24x 100m in the pool with every 3rd one hard rather than 20x 100m with...

Snorkelling in Borth 3

Snorkelling in Borth

Me and Dad had fun this afternoon snorkelling, I got half my wetsuit on first at home  and then we drove to Borth and I got the other half of my wetsuit on. We walked down onto the beach and got into the sea the sea wasn’t that cold we could almost walk out to...

Sunny Borth 0

On the Beach at Borth

The water has been so clear here lately during my open water swims that I just couldn’t resist taking Morgan snorkelling. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any of my old diving kit so we had to buy some cheap masks and snorkels from Sports Direct – They’ll do the job though. However, we didn’t quite get...

Anna and Morgan 0

BBQ and Fireworks

After a busy triathlon related morning on Saturday we spent the afternoon working in the garden. There’s loads to catch up with but we picked strawberries and red-currants, fixed the water feature, mowed the lawn, weeded and generally tidied up as well as planted a few things out that had been a little neglected in...

Surfing 0

Scouts – Adventure Badge

As I mentioned the other day, the Scouts are beginning to get used to Anna and I  and I think they secretly like the fact that we are their leaders. Things are obviously easier for us over the summer in some respects as the light evenings mean that we can actually get out and do...

Silver Band 0

Armed Forces Parade in Borth

As I’ve said before, when we took over as Scout leaders a year or so ago for Borth 2nd Scouts we were told that it would take up a couple of hours of our time on a Friday evening. If you are ever told that then it’s not true and once again yesterday evening we...

Windsurfing Returns 0

Windsurfing Returns

Hooray, I finally managed to get out on the water windsurfing over the weekend. Usually its just the lack of wind that prevents me from windsurfing but lately with big races such as the European Triathlon Championships looming it has been a combination of lack of wind, lack of time and the fear of injury that has kept...

Sprouting Aliums and Baby Aliums 4

Spring Cleaning in the Garden

Shhh, don’t tell anyone but it hasn’t rained here for a while. In fact, I’ve just looked it up in the historic data section of the Borth and Ynyslas weather station that I run and it says that the last time it rained was on Valentines Day – That’s two whole weeks. The good news is that...