Tagged: Training


Time to Rebuild

I wouldn’t say I’ve been ‘training’ yet, but it is time to rebuild. I don’t know if I’ll be competing in any triathlons, quadrathlons, cyclocross races or other events yet, so there’s nothing to actually train for anyway. I have however been very gradually increasing the amount of exercise I do. Rebuilding The volume and...


RPE vs Performance

Recent conversations with people have generally revolved around the recovery from my heart attack. People say hello, ask how I am and ask how my recovery is going. Generally it’s going well, if a little slowly for my impatient self. I’ll tell them that I still have some ongoing chest pain, although even that has...


Back to Work

I’m pleased to report that I have now started back to work following my recent Heart Attack. Recovery has been progressing well, if a little slower than I would like, but that’s just me being impatient. I’ve been continuing with the cardiac rehab classes, even if they weren’t quite what I was expecting. I have...


Man-Flu Lurgyitis

Well, it had to happen – Man Flu! After months of shielding, isolation and generally being careful, Morgan had to go back to school. Sure enough, within a week he had a bit of a cold so had a day off sick.  For some reason, despite being generally fit and healthy I always seem susceptible...


The Weeks Roll By

There still isn’t much happening here really. We are continuing to stay as shielded as we can as the virus is still out there. We hardly even noticed that the school holidays had begun. The fact that we’ve all been at home for so long now meant that there wasn’t really a noticeable difference. I...


Heart Rate Interval Traces

I do like making pretty heart rate traces. Here’s the one from my lunchtime run today. Nice hey? It has my run pace on it as well. All courtesy of a 10x 1min interval session. I didn’t really feel like it to start with so the first few intervals were a little lack-lustre but I...


Socially Distanced Intervals in the Sunshine

Today’s Socially Distanced surf ski session in the sunshine consisted of eight 0.25 mile intervals with 0.25 mile recoveries between them. The intervals were pretty tough at times so there was some sweating and dribbling involved but I was miles from anyone else with the whole of Borth Bay to myself so that wasn’t a...


A Good Start to the Weekend

It may have been a little chilly out there first thing, but the wind had dropped off, the rain had stopped and there were still some waves about. So, as the sun rose, it was off to the beach for me for a little paddle in my ski. Nothing too strenuous as I’ve got a...

Box End Quad Results 3

Box End Quadrathlon Results and Analysis

The results are out from the Box End Quadrathlon and I did OK. Time for something of an analysis. The official results are here: http://www.quadracracing.co.uk/images/2018-Quad.pdf, but I’ve added a rank column for each of the disciplines as I like to see that, so here they are with the ranks added. As you can see: I had a...

20 minute FTP test 2

20 minute FTP Test – Fitness Gains

Phew, it’s been a while since I last did an FTP. Monday morning brought with it time to do a 20 minute FTP test though. My last test was at the beginning of January, an 8 minute test that produced an FTP of 290 Watts. Not great, but it dod result in a slight improvement over...