Socially Distanced Intervals in the Sunshine
Today’s Socially Distanced surf ski session in the sunshine consisted of eight 0.25 mile intervals with 0.25 mile recoveries between them. The intervals were pretty tough at times so there was some sweating and dribbling involved but I was miles from anyone else with the whole of Borth Bay to myself so that wasn’t a problem. I didn’t even see anyone else whilst walking across to the beach and back so it looks as though most people are finally heeding the advice to stay at home.
Here’s what the thought of my workout. It correctly identified eight intervals, each one of them 139 seconds long at 145bpm and 41 strokes per minute. Pretty good going.

I then paddled out towards the Outer Dyfi Buoy which was a bit of a slog into an increasing onshore breeze but it did give me a nice little relaxed downwind run home. We’ve been told to socially distance but still to exercise and stay fit during these uncertain times, so that’s exactly what I was doing. Quite what I’m training for now I don’t know as it I can’t see many races going ahead this year. It’s good to stay fit anyway and I’m sure the sunshine and fresh air is good for me too.