Treasure Hunt in Clifton
As yet we still haven’t organised a proper family holiday for the year – although, we did of course go on a canoe building workshop in the Lake District earlier in the year so I wouldn’t feel too sorry for us! We have just got back from a trip to my parents as well. We were heading there for my nieces wedding so decided to get there a few days early and have a few days comprised of day trips out and about. The first of these was on the way there on the Tuesday. Rather than drive straight to my parents house we drove into Bristol to do a treasure hunt around Clifton.
It was a gorgeous day so after driving in the blazing sunshine for 3 hours or so it was just what we needed. The treasure hunt did of course have a back story to it and took us to lots of little plaques and engravings that we may have otherwise missed. We were more interested in the stroll around the area than the hunt itself but it was a good excuse to go to a few places that we wouldn’t have usually gone. I used to be a zookeeper at Bristol Zoo and lived in Ashton so spent several years of my life cycling up and down these streets once in the morning to get to work and once in the evening to get home. As you can imagine I knew them fairly well, but even so, I still came across a few locations that I’d never been before, including a lovely little peaceful cemetery with an archway of trees through it’s middle. The shade that it cast was welcome today thanks to the heat of the sun.
We stopped off on a green for a picnic lunch – all the while being scrutinised by a squirrel.
We were also catching Pokémon as we went and of course chatting and generally enjoying the surroundings. The Avon Gorge, The Suspension Bridge, Clifton College, The Lord Mayor’s Mansion, the Royal York Crescent and other landmarks in Clifton on a sunny day.
- Avon Gorge
- Crescent
- Suspension Bridge
I also showed Morgan the rock slide near to the Camera Obscura. At first he didn’t believe me that he could slide down it but I eventually convinced him that he could so off he went. He was a little surprised by just how slippery it was and despite the bruising to his bum decided that he just had to have another go.
We then headed off to my parents for dinner and I spent the evening with my Dad fiddling with my full-suspension bike frame. I’m in the process of completely stripping it down and rebuilding it which include removing and replacing all of the bearings in the main pivot and the suspension linkage. I had got the outer bearing shell of a couple of the bearing stuck in the frame so took it to my Dad to help. As predicted he soon had a way of getting them out and before long they had been extracted and the new bearings had been installed.
Now I know why Morgan’s ” bum hole” was so big !