Ynyslas Beach Whale Removal

The beached Whale at Ynyslas has been removed today. I just so happened to notice a digger go past the house whilst I was vacuuming the living room and thought to myself that it was probably going to the estuary for a spot of whale removal.

So, after my chores and an hour of easy pedalling on the turbo trainer I decided to run along the beach and around the point to see if I could see the whale removal in action. As I got to the point where the whale had been beached since Boxing Day, it had indeed disappeared. There was a set of caterpillar track trails up to it and then a big drag mark across the sands. The whale removal was in progress, would I be able to find it?

I continued with my run around the point, pretty much following the drag marks and then as I came onto the sands of the estuary, there were people clad in hi-vis jackets everywhere a couple of land rovers and the digger that I had seen earlier was slowly inching it’s way across the sands with a well bundled dead whale in tow.

Whale Removal

Whale Removal

I’m not sure what they plan to do with it, take it away and incinerate it no doubt, but I think it would be nice if they could bury it, let it decompose and then dig up the skeleton so that some of it could be put on display outside the visitor centre here at Ynyslas. It might not be the biggest, most impressive whale skeleton around but it would still be quite educational and quite a talking point too.

4 Responses

  1. Avatar forComment Author Mum says:

    I agree with you Al, you should have suggested it, probably too late now

  2. Avatar forComment Author Jane Wykes says:

    Alan, have you seen what the land artists (Ackroyd and ?) did with a skeleton of a minke whale that is on display in the Arts Centre Aberystwyth?

    • Avatar forComment Author Alan Cole says:

      Yep, the one encrusted in crystals?…. Good as an art installation but somehow a little too ‘bling’ for Ynyslas I think!! šŸ™‚
      Plain old stark, bleached bones seem to suit the atmosphere here better I’d say.


  3. Avatar forComment Author Emily Scott says:

    Poor old whale, must have been a magnificent creature once.

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Alan Cole

Alan is a Freelance Website Designer, Sports & Exercise Science Lab Technician and full time Dad & husband with far too many hobbies: Triathlete, Swimming, Cycling, Running, MTBing, Surfing, Windsurfing, SUPing, Gardening, Photography.... The list goes on.

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