Bee Brains at ABKA Quiz Night
Woohoo, our team, ‘The Sleepy Heads’ won the Aberystwyth Beekeepers Association Quiz night.
- Sleepy Head
- Bee Brain
Our team was so called due to the fact that the quiz was on Tuesday evening and we hadn’t got back from France until about 2am on Tuesday morning, so we weren’t exactly spritely! We did OK though, holding second place all the way through until the penultimate round where we sneaked ahead and then managed to creep further ahead in the final round to clinch victory!
As usual, it was good fun with a good group of people and included a pub meal before the quiz which saved us having to cook after our trip to France. Morgan was particularly pleased that there was one single Doctor Who question!
Well done! Even sleepiness doesn’t stop you being the best!