Closing in on more Records
Another glorious day here on Tuesday so after some work, some chores and checking through the Moth Trap, Morgan and I headed out geocaching.
We stopped of at Annamarie’s house first to drop of a cake and a hard drive full of films so that should could watch them whilst eating cake during her recovery from a recent op. After a cup of tea with Anna and a chat we drove up into the hills for the first cache of the day with as the cahce name suggested, some amazing views out over Ceredigion.
The rest of the caches were along a little country lane to the south of Aberystwyth which went right past a house I used to live in. I obviously knew the road well but it was nice to come back here after so many years away. The caches were for the most part easy drive by ones so we managed to find 10 caches all within a couple of hours and started to close in on our monthly record of 76 caches. We are currently at 69 for the month of August so may well break that record in the next few days.
We then checked in on the bees which seemed to be doing OK and then headed home. By now Morgan was feeling a little poorly so we had a relaxed afternoon where I caught up with some work and Morgan did very little.
Hope Morgan is feeling better now…maybe too many cakes?