Finding my limits – Turbo Trainer Workouts
I’ve just done another of my 1 minute interval sessions on the turbo trainer and I think I’m finding my limit. The session involves a 10 minute warm up and then 7 repetitions of:
- 1 minute hard
- 1 minute recovery
Followed by a warm down. The first time I did it I did the hard intervals at 320 Watts, that was OK so I increased it to 340 Watts the second time which actually felt a little better! I then upped the wattage to 360 Watts on my third attempt but couldn’t do it and only managed 5 repititions at that wattage.
Today I decided to split the difference and try it at 350 Watts. This time I completed all 7 repetitions and it didn’t kill me. It was pretty difficult but it did feel OK. I think I’ll do a couple more like that over then next two weeks and then try it at 360 Watts again. My heart rate was up to 166bpm on the final few repetitions which is about 92% of my theoretical maximum so that’s a pretty good workout as far as I’m concerned.
Seems like you are pretty methodical in your approach. A couple of questions for you, if I may…
What improvements you seen in your turbo performace and over what period?
Has this translated in to improved perfomance on the road?
Good work!
Hi Marc,
It’s the usual story, as long as I stick with it and manage to train as much as I’d like on the Turbo Trainer then the results are good. I gradually increase the resistance on my interval sessions and seem to be able to complete them. Obviously other things in life get in the way now and then – family, injury, illness etc. and I can’t always do as much as I’d like but overall it has been a help.
I’d imagine that this will be the case even more so over the winter when a ‘proper’ ride in the real world isn’t always so easy but a quick half an hour on the turbo trainer is a qucik and easy way of getting in a quality session.
i’ve been reading a few of your posts with interest.
after reading this review ( i recently bought a cycleops turbo trainer and am still getting used to it.
i don’t have access to power readings. is it valid to do similar workouts to this just using cadence and heart rate readings?
also, what workouts would you recommend if it just wanted to increase my ability to ride faster on longer rides (50 miles and over)?
Hi James,
Using your Heart rate instead of a Power reading will be fine – It isn’t quite as good as power as your heart rate will vary for a set power output depending on how you’re feeling, the time of day, the temperature etc. etc. Also, it takes a while for your heart rate to respond to an increase / decrease in power output so there is a bit of lag there as well.
However, if your Turbo Trainer doesn’t have a power output setting then the next best thing to base you workouts on will be your heart rate.
For rides of 50 miles or more (2 hours plus) you’ll be wanting to increase your Critical Power / Functional Threshold Power – The power output that you can sustain over a given time period. There’s no short cuts really and time on the bike in the real world will help, but intervals on a Turbo Trainer will help as well.
I’m no expert but I find the 3:2 minute intervals that I do pretty good as you are getting some stamina improvements from them as well as increasing your power output. (do a search for 3:2 on this blog and you’ll find them). They may seem short in comparison to a 50 mile ride, but that is sort of the point – Maximum gains from smart, targeted training – You’ll want to be mixing these in with longer rides on the road as well though.
Enjoy your workouts!
thanks for the advice!