Category: Hobbies & Pastimes

Fish Tank 0

Aquarium Progress

Just a quick photo to update you on progress in my ‘Aquascape’ aquarium. The CO2 system that I installed has been working well and I seem to have some sort of balance now. I still get quite a bit of algae, especially on the glass which takes a fair bit of keeping clean, but hopefully...

Earthcache Day 0

A Geological Souvenir

It was International Earth Cache Day on Sunday, so as geocachers and geologists we couldn’t really not do a geological based Earth Cache to celebrate. Fortunately there was an Earth Cache that we hadn’t done at Devil’s Bridge so we saved it up and headed out there on Sunday afternoon for International Earth Cache Day 2015....

Bass 1

Bass Fishing in Borth

Well, my first attempt at bass fishing in Borth turned out well.. Despite having a sore throat and the beginnings of a cold I started Saturday with an indoor turbo trainer ride and a run around the golf course and along the Leri. Then after a few chores I baked some egg custard tarts courtesy...

Red Admiral 2

Garden Wildlife

Another glorious day here, cloud free skies, barely a breath of wind and temperatures hitting 21.3ºC. Not bad for the end of September. Garden Wildlife The garden was alive with wildlife when I went out there this afternoon. One of the aims of the garden was for it to be a haven for such creatures...

Bee Brain 1

Bee Brains at ABKA Quiz Night

Woohoo, our team, ‘The Sleepy Heads’ won the Aberystwyth Beekeepers Association Quiz night. Our team was so called due to the fact that the quiz was on Tuesday evening and we hadn’t got back from France until about 2am on Tuesday morning, so we weren’t exactly spritely! We did OK though, holding second place all the way...

Langueux 1

St Brieuc Twinning Tour with Aberystwyth Silver Band – Day 3

Another early start in St Brieuc for me with an early morning run into Langueux and some rummaging around for a geocache. I couldn’t find the first one so had to run a little further to find a different one, but had success in the end as dawn broke in St Briuec. It was then...

Windmill 3

St Brieuc Twinning Tour with Aberystwyth Silver Band – Day 2

After packing in so much stuff yesterday, it was hard to believe that this was only Day 2 of the Aberystwyth Silver Bands twinning tour to St Brieuc, but day two it was. The planned walk around St Brieuc had howver been cancelled as everyone eas tired, everyone needed a bit of a rest and...

Morgans Solo 1

St Brieuc Twinning Tour with Aberystwyth Silver Band – Day 1

Two facts to get us started: Anna and Morgan play cornet in the Aberystwyth Silver Band. Aberystwyth is twinned with St Brieuc in Brittany, France. Over the years since the twinning relationship which was established in 1974, the Aberystwyth Silver Band has visited St Brieuc on a number of occasions, but a visit was long...

Full Harvest 1

Honey Harvest 2015

We managed to harvest our honey today. I popped out this morning and put the clearer board on and then again early evening to collect the frames of honey. There’s only one hive in our apiary and it had two supers on it with capped frames in, but only about 14 frames in total worth...

Torrents under the bridge 1

Geocaching – Bank Holiday in the hills and more Records

After my bank holiday morning swim from Aberystwyth to Clarach I headed home and gathered up Anna and Morgan so that we could head off to the hills around Lake Bala for some geocaching. The Hit List Morgan had spotted a little series of 12 caches based on the positions of a clock. They formed...