Surf Skiing in the Sunshine
It looks as though my plan to get out as often as possible in as wide a range of conditions as possible on my surf ski has worked. Monday was a gorgeous day for some surf skiiing in the sunshine. The sea was a little choppy with a small swell but I felt quite at home. The sunshine and warm waters always help but a few weeks ago even the smallest amount of water movement had me falling out. Not so on Monday as I didn’t fall off once. I did tip myself over on purpose a few times though just so that I could practise my remounts and in particular my side-mounts. I’m getting better at these now. I’ve figured out the technique, so now I just need to make it second nature in more and more challenging conditions.
Morgan was out playing in the sea with Austin at the end of a lovely day. I’d been biking first thing and then out for a lovely run in the hills, followed by beekeeping and then surf skiiing in the sunshine. Perfect. The beach was strewn with razor clam shells as well . I’ve never seen so many and they weren’t there a couple of days ago. Presumably the wind on Saturday must have washed them all out of the sand.
- Razor Clams on Beach
- Razor Clams
- Razor Clam Shells
- Surf-Ski