Christmas Dinner Curry
It wouldn’t be Christmas without loads of leftovers and what better to do with them than make a Christmas Dinner Curry. I didn’t stop at the turkey either, in went the stuffing, in went the sprouts, even the pigs in blankets and some nice sausage meat and cranberry balls that we had. Any leftover veggies too. All mixed in with a curry spice mix and a base of onions, garlic, ginger and chopped tomatoes.
Super quick, super easy and super tasty and it freed up some room in the fridge and saved us wasting anything. There was plenty there for six meals as well so some of it will go in the freezer for another day. I think the Christmas Dinner Curry meal is becoming a tradition.
Talking of Traditions, we need to develop one for New Year. We never really do anything on New Years Eve, just reluctantly stay up until Midnight because thats the done thing to do and then go to bed. We’re not big into going out or partying but we should do something, even it’s it’s just a nice dinner with some friends followed by a big walk up a hill on New Years Day – something to look forward to for the New Year. Any ideas?
Mmm sounds much nicer than my boring soup
We just do the same as you for new year’s eve, although we don’t always stay up any more, we did invite people around for a meal a few times, but got fed up of it always being me doing all the work and expense, so we don’t even do that now…….think I may be getting old and grumpy x