Geocaching on the school run
Seeing as Morgan has been keen to do some more geocaching recently I’ve been taking my Garmin Forerunner GPSr and my iPod with me on the school run so that we can find one or two caches on the way home from school. This system works well for paperless caching and means we don’t have to carry too much. I just have to remember which ones we’ve done so that I can log them when I get home. Of course, this method is now pretty outdated in comparison to what’s possible with modern smart phones with mobile internet access and GPS receivers built into them, but it works for us.
On Tuesday we walked from the school to the first of the caches and I gave Morgan the GPSr so that he could search for it all on his own. It was a fairly easy cache, but getting him to take his eyes of the arrow on the screen and actually look around him once in the vicinity was a little difficult. I suppose for us, GPS technology is still pretty clever and we don’t expect it to be completely accurate, whereas Morgan takes such things for granted and probably expects more from it than we do. He found it in the end though once I’d tried to explain the accuracy (or lack of) of the GPS system.
We then jumped in the car and headed in Aberystwyth where we walked to a couple more caches. All of these caches were hidden by ‘nitroglysarine‘, a geocacher who is relatively new to the area but has been very prolific at hiding caches. Great news for us as we had run out of local caches to do but now there seems to be a never ending supply of them! They will at least keep us busy on the school run for quite a while yet.