Tagged: Garden

Ramsey 1

Summer Continues

The gorgeous summer weather continues here. 25.5ºC yesterday which was plenty hot enough, especially for lawn mowing! 20ºC today was mouch more comfortable and lovely blue skies throughout. The sea is feeling as though summer is here and the garden is growing well. I had a busy day on Monday, starting off the day with a...

Primulas 1

Springtime in the Garden

Nothing much to report from the weekend really, except for the fact that the thick sea fog that we had to contend with on Friday did clear on Saturday to leave a glorious day. Perfect for a surf ski paddle and then a Gravel Bike ride in the hills. The enforced rest of the previous week...

Coffee Break 2

Garden Clearance

I do often wonder what things would be like if I didn’t do quite so much training each week. It’s takes up quite a lot of time, usually about 15 hours a week. I’m not training seriously at the moment but trying to fit in several swim, kayak, bike and run sessions a week, along...

Winter Garden 1

Late Winter in the Garden

I don’t want to say that there are signs of Spring in the garden yet – It’s still a little early for that and it is looking quite wintry out there still but, there are some signs of late winter garden life. The birds are singing, there are blackbirds, robins and a little wren hopping around....

Summer Flowers 0

Beehaving in the Garden

‘Beehaving’? If you remember from my last post about the bees they had been ‘mis-beehaving’. I had performed an artificial split only for the half without the queen to be a little lax in creating a queen cell while the haf with the queen swarmed anyway leaving no queen cell behind. I think my actions have helped...

Caterpillars 0

Crazy Caterpillars

Check out these Crazy Caterpillars. This leaf is obviously very tasty. There were no caterpillars elsewhere on the tree, they were just all on this single leaf!

Phormium Flowers 0

Phormium Flowers

The Phormium in the garden is going mad. Loads of massive flower spikes all reaching into the air like little rockets about to explode into flower.

Aquilegia 0

Photos from the Garden

Just some photos from the garden for you to enjoy. It’s lovely out there at the moment. It’s actually going through a bit of a purple phase as usual at this time of years but there are some yellows around too thanks to the Poached Egg Plants and of course the Solunum which is a...

Gunnera 1

Getting on Top of the Garden

Bank Holiday weekend and a chance to do some gardening. What’s more, I’m pleased to say that I’ve managed to get on top of things out in the garden and all is looking well. There’s not much to see at the moment but things are well on their way. The Lawn The lawn has been mowed...