A Simple Life of Luxury | Weblog


Cardiac Rehab

I’d heard good things about cardiac rehab and was actually looking forward to it. In most cases people said it was the thing that got them back on track after a heart attack and they loved it. Reports suggested that for the most part people were hooked up to an ECG where they would be...


Trail Coffee’s at Nant yr Arian

It was nice to get out for a walk somewhere different on Sunday. Anna and I headed up to Nant yr Arian for a little stroll. Once there I had a little chat with Reg and the we headed out along the Ridgetop Trail. Not only was it good to walk somewhere different but it’s...


Aqualyx Injections – What to Expect Before, During, and After?

If you’ve ever looked at a mirror and are dissatisfied with what you see, you are not alone. Sometimes, no matter what we do, there will always be something we’re not happy with – be it that double chin, those unsightly love handles or saddle bags, and those hefty upper arms that won’t give up...


First Walk / Jog

Baby steps…. So, the latest ECG and Echocardiogram show some small improvements. Improvements My Ejection Fraction has risen slightly from around 40-45% to around 50%. That’s going in the right direction and might continue to improve over the coming months. The ECG does show pathologic Q-waves which indicate permanent damage to my cardiac tissue. This...


Summertime Continues

Summer has continued here in West Wales. For a start, according to the weather station we are currently at 17 days and counting without rain. We also hit a maximum temperature for the year of 31.1ºC recently. We could do with some rain though just for the sake of the new lawn. Talking of the...

Chilling with Hector 0

Chilling in the Garden

Temperatures were in the high 20’s at the weekend. Skies were blue and breezes were light. I’m not permitted to do much at the moment so other than the odd walk much of the weekend was spent chilling in the garden. There are lots of candy floss colours around the garden at the moment. The...


Heart Attack Medical Records

People have been asking for updates on my heart attack recovery progress. There isn’t a huge amount to report here yet. As you can imagine, I haven’t really been doing much so don’t have much to blog about. I have been chilling on the patio in the sunshine though. I am feeling a little better...


Those Bees!

I probably can’t really blame this on my recent heart attack but I may as well. Having been out of action for a few weeks I haven’t been able to inspect the bees properly. Typically this was during peak swarm season and sure enough the bees made the most of it. I did manage to...


Ticking Over

Well, it’s been two weeks since my heart attack and things have been ticking over slowly. Not much has been happening really, hence the lack of blog posts. As far as I’m concerned I’m not allowed to do much so Anna has been looking after me. I am able to go for easy walks. We’ve...


Cardiac Quadrathlon – Don’t Try This At Home!

What, no blog posts for a while? The reason for this will be revealed below. A Quadrathlon at Home Sunday 13th June started like any other really with some training for me. I was up early, the weather was good and I had plenty of plans. Not having raced last year due to coronavirus restrictions...