A Couple of FTF’s
Oooh, new geocaches and they aren’t too far from use either. We didn’t have time to get them on Thursday or Friday, but thankfully they were still there and no on had found them by Saturday. I would have gone out early to get them but had to wait until Morgan was up and ready to go. Luckily after a little stroll to them, the log books were blank and we were indeed the First to Find (FTF). I say luckily as by the end of the day there were at least three additional logs on them from people who found them just after us.
It was a little damp out there though and the forest was beginning to feel autumnal already, despite only being the beginning of the summer holidays. There were plenty of fungi peeping out from within the moss. Here’s a couple, but as usual I have no idea if they would be edible or not.
Hopefully Summer will return soon though as we don’t have any proper summer holidays planned, just lots of long weekends with hopefully trips to North Wales, Scotland, Bristol and the Borders.