Aberystwyth Pollution
It looks as though pollution has made it to Aberystwyth.

Aberystwyth Pollution
It was fine yesterday but it’s looking pretty murky out there today. It could just be a sea mist of course but we were expecting the smog caused by pollution that has been affecting other parts of the country to make it to West Wales today. Apparently it is caused by industrial pollution from the UK and the near continent and dust from the Sahara.
It’s probably my fault for washing my new car as it it now covered in a yellowy dust!
Mind you, according to the Air Index Forecast things don’t look too bad here so we probably still have fairly fresh clean sea air in comparison to the rest of the UK. I’m glad I’m not in the South East, that’s for sure!

Air Index Forecast
I kept saying that I felt I was suffering ( slightly) with hay fever
in the beginning of the week, now I know why.
It’s awful what we are doing to the environment. I went for a walk on Wednesday lunchtime in central London and ended up with a sore, tight throat. Diesel cars are to blame as well as industrial pollution.