A Weekend in the Garden
You can’t beat this time of year, especially when the weather is as good as it has been, and where better to spend it than in the garden. Everytime I go out there things seem to be coming on better than they were just a few hours prior. Plants are popping up everywhere and the new life looks vibrant and healthy.
There are of course plenty of tasks to do, but we broke the back of the Spring chores over the weekend. I gave the lawn it’s forst mow of the year, tidied up all of the edges, weeded and mulched many of the borders, cut back all dead growth left over from last year, finished off cutting the trees and hedges back and even fixed the water feature.
For some reason whenever we plugged the water feature in it tripped the trip switch, so yet again it was time for a new pump. This involves digging up the cable and a little bit of re-wiring, but it is all up and working again and the birds and bees are loving it – as are we.
Things still look a little sparse in the garden at the moment, but if you look closely there are new shoots on almost everything. The lupins are off to a good start, the honesuckle and Solanum are growing well on the pergola. Fresh, succulent leaves are appearing on all of the shrubs and it won’t be long before the garden is awash with colour and bursting with life.
As well as the gardening, we did a fair bit of beekeeping over the weekend and set to work on building the one hundred frames that we have to make this year. We also sowed a few seeds so will hopefully soon have seedlings in the form of:
- Pumpkins
- Beans
- Courgettes
- Lettuce
- Sunflowers
- Poached Egg Plants
The latter are for the bees more than for us. You can’t beat scorching springtime weather for time in the garden.