Feeding the Birds
We’ve been feeding the birds loads in this cold weather and of course putting out water for them too and they certainly seem to appreciate it.
We’ve had all the usual suspects at the feeders, Starlings, Blackbirds, Blue Tits (loads of these), Chaffinches, Sparrows, Robins, Wrens, and quite a few thrushes. I haven’t seen any Redwings or Fieldfares yet though despite putting apples out as well as the peanuts, fat balls and cheese. There’s also a colony of gulls that have taken up residence on the green opposite out house. There are quite a few of them and the look pretty sorry for them selves so I;ve started feeding these too and they love it. I only have to go out into the garden now and they come out to see me.
I think they are all black-headed gulls, although the odd herring gull appears from time to time as well.