A quick trot around the Boat Yard loop
I don’t know where that came from, but I had a fairly fast run around the Boat Yard Loop on Sunday morning. Not fast in anyone else’s books or fast by my previous standards, but fairly fast in post-heart attack times.
I wasn’t planning on going fast and was feeling a little stiff from my Coast Path run. However, once I got going I felt OK. I started a little faster than usual and just kept going at that speed. My previous PB around the Boat Yard loop was 19:02 set back in June 2020. Admittedly it’s not far and I only did one loop but today’s time was quite a bit faster at 17:23!
I’m not sure if I was just in the mood for some effort or if something else led to a PB but I can’t complain about that. The other explanation might be that I hadn’t taken my tablets yet that day. Perhaps the lack of beta blockers had something to do with it!!