Rain at Last
That didn’t really feel like a bank holiday weekend. I think its the fact that things still aren’t back to normal due to Coronavirus. We can’t complain though as it had everything we needed. Cycling, running, kayaking, swimming in crystal clear waters, a walk at RSPB Ynyshir, windsurfing, a Spicery meal and some rain at last.
It wasn’t even too busy here really. There was also the baking and devouring of a delicious rhubarb frangipane and plenty of jobs completed in the house and garden.
Rain at last
What’s more, as expected on a Bank Holiday we had some rain. Nothing unusual there. However, it was the first rain that we’d had for weeks and the first significant rain for a couple of months. The Borth Weather Station recorded more than four times as much rain on Monday (25.2mm) than we had for the whole of April (5.6mm). In fact, that one days worth of rain was almost as much as we had for both March and April combined.
It’s probably our fault that we’ve had such a dry Spring. We did afterall have a new lawn laid which could have done with some rain! We have had to water it ourselves to help get it established. Hopefully yesterday’s rain will have given it a good drenching and keep it going for a while.
The lawn itself is also two-tone. The people turfing it ran out of turf and were going to order some more. However, they had some leftover from a different job so soon popped back and laid that for us. Trouble is, it seems to be a different species or different mix of grass. So we now have a two-tone lawn. What would have been good would have been to lay the two different types alternatively so as to create a nice striped lawn effect.
Oh well, I’m sure it will blend into each other eventually. It seems to be getting more distinct at the moment though.
Oh dear it is very noticeable at the moment maybe contact the people who did it and ask their opinion …