Boxing Day in the Sea
Well, it’s been pretty grey here for the last few days. Cheerful enough indoors though and I of course couldn’t resist getting into the sea anyway. The beach looked quiet first thing on Boxing Day.
There were rumours of a mas swim in Borth at Midday so I headed down there for a swim too. Most people would just be going in for a quick dip but I fancied a proper swim so donned my swimming wetsuit, caps and goggles and drove to the beach. I was surprised to find quite a few people there waiting for the strike of Midday. There was even a little drone flying overhead to record it all.
Lots of people were going in in skins, but quite a few had wetsuits on too. A Midday we all got into the water. I left everyone else to it and headed off for a proper swim out around the reefs a couple of times.
It was surprisingly warm. Not only was it warm standing around on the beach waiting to get in but there was none of the usual cold water shock when putting my face into the water for the first time and it wasn’t unpleasant at all. I was only in for less than half an hour but I got a quick miled swam and was still lovely and toastie when I got out. Most people had started to disperse by then, although a few were still splashing about in the shallows.
The rest of the day was spent at home and wandering over the the beach a few times. There were films to watch, goodies to eat and leftovers to work our way through. There may have been a little bit of snoozing on the sofa as well.
Morgan spent most of it on his xBox, no surprises there! Finally at about 6:30pm Morgan decided he wanted to go to the beach as well. So, not wanting to prevent him from actually going outside I walked across with him and we ended up getting wet feet once again. The perfect opportunity to try out my new shoe dryers once we got back!