Mist & Murk
Whilst many places in the country seem to have wall to wall sunshine and summery weather, we have yet again had nothing but mist and murk with temperatures in single figures thanks to a thick sea fog .
I did manage to hobble over to the beach with my surf ski for some nice waves though. It was a little spooky out there in the fog. The waves were difficult to see coming so tended to creep up on me and there was no way of telling which way was which or whereabouts on the beach I was. I just used the swell to orientate myself and hoped I wasn’t drifting too far in either direction up or down the beach.
Plenty of nice long waves were had though. Even at the waters edge when I had finished there was no way to tell where I was. Was I near to home? Was I in Borth? I could have been in Tywyn for all I knew. I had ended up a little further north than I had expected but could only tell that by walking up the beach to the dunes. Thankfully I know the dunes quite well so once I could finally see them I knew where I was and didn’t have too far to walk to get home. My injured achilles could have done without the extra walk though.
Dont take unnecessary risks.
Imagine if that had been Morgan out in the sea where no one could see him !!!!
Don’t worry, it was safe enough. The waves are pretty good indicators of which way is which and I even had a compass with me had I needed it!
Ok, I realise the waves know which way the shore is ! But if you hurt yourself ,no one would be able to see you. Xxx