Canoeing in Borth
Another glorious sunny day here today even if it was a little chilly. Just below freezing in fact first thing but by mid morning it was up above 5ºC so time for another little session canoeing in Borth. This time we went for a little paddle around the reefs by the lifeboat station with Morgan and his friend Tom, We also met the Passams (Lee, Saffron, Anakin and Cerys) who had brought along a canoe that they hadn’t had out for years. We didn’t try their canoe out, but it looked a little less stable than ours.
Canoeing in Borth
There wasn’t much in the way of waves but we did get the chance to paddle out through some and to catch a few on the way back in too. Our new canoe certainly isn’t designed for use in the surf, but it seemed to handle pretty well. We just can’t wait to go off on some proper adventures now. I just need to outfit it with some ropes and various ties to keep everything in place when it’s loaded up with camping gear. We should do some capsize practise really as well, but I think we’ll wait for a slightly warmer day for that.
I also went for a little solo paddle too and she felt lovely like that as well.