Xmas Tree Stop Motion
We usually don’t put our Christmas decorations up until after my birthday, but seeing as we had been to Bristol for the Christmas visit, have a busy week this week and had an evening to spare we thought we’d put them up last night. We stuck mainly with the tried and tested plan with the tree in the corner of the room, some snowmen around the deck outside and icicle lights hanging from the deck railings. I did the outdoor lights whilst Anna and Morgan constructed the tree.
We used the same lights on the tree as usual, although we do need another set. We have some lights in the dining room too, but for a change we decorated the hall as well as this gave us a chance to put some lights on the new shoe cupboard and creates a nice welcoming feel – just in case we eve get any visitors!.
- Christmas Lights
- Christmas Tree
Morgan wanted to do a stop motion animation of the tree going up so we tried a couple of different techniques. First the usual technique of setting a camera up on a tripod and taking a photo every so often when we were ready. However, we also downloaded an app called iMotion HD for my iPhone and Morgans iPod and set them up to automatically take photos at pre-determined intervals. The app then stitches the photos altogether for us and plays them at a set frame-rate to produce a quick little stop-motion video that can be exported to iTunes.
Here are the results. First the manual technique.
And then the iMotion HD app.
I think the manual one is better, but the iMotion HD app certainly seems to work and could be put to good use. If forgot to add any Festive music to them though – sorry!
I think the manual one is better as you don’t see all the “doing of it”
All looks very nice and festive just hope father Xmas remembers you all x