Wishing the weekend wouldn’t end
It’s a shame the weekend is only 2 days long, especially with the weather we’ve been having.
Saturday was glorious and we had a fairly lazy day in the garden. It’s not often that you can spend all day outside in shorts and a ‘T’-shirt around here, and over 12 hours in the sun seems quite exhausting.
Sunday was the same though. I was up early so did some website design work before pottering about in the garden again. Impi then turned up to go windsurfing but there wasn’t really enough wind so I managed to persuade him to borrow my bike and go for a mountain bike ride instead.
I was going to do a longish ride today but as I had Impi with me and he hadn’t really done much mountain biking before I thought a gentle ride around the Pendam Trail would be sufficient. It was certainly hot up there and lots of other people had the same idea, but the trails were nice and dry and riding really well. I think a trip up there one morning nice and early before it gets warm is on the cards to see if I can beat my record for a lap of the Pendam Trail is in order whilst the weather lasts.
Impi seemed to enjoy himself. He did fall off on the first little bend but picked himself back up and was fine from there on in. He did do a little better than Jay on his first attempt at the Pendam Trail!. I don’t think he’ll be buying a bike anytime soon, but you never know!
Anna and Morgan went to the theatre to see ‘Room on the Broom’ which sounded as though it was good. Once back at home I paid a quick visit to the estuary which was heaving with people and then painted the shed.
All followed by dinner in the garden and the (not particularly pleasant) thoughts of ‘back to work tomorrow’. I think the government should be able to announce spontaneous bank holidays for days like this!