Night riding Nant yr Arian
With less than a week to go until the Dyfi Enduro we decided that this weeks night ride would be a little different. Rather than just doing a loop around the usual trails, Martyn suggested sessioning a few of the bits of singletrack on the Pendam Trail.
Dave, Martyn, Bernd, Myles and myself met at the Pendam car park and we started off with a ride up to the Hippity Hop section which we then did 3 times in a row. The first time was quite relaxed, I went a little quicker the second time but then pushed a little too hard the 3rd time around and actually went slower.. Being smooth and controlled is the key!
We then headed off around the lakes and up to the Drunken Druid section which we did twice, before heading down the High as a Kite section to the visitor centre. We then went back up the hill and did High as a kite a second time before doing the Italian Job section and heading off back around the lake, to Syfydrrin, up the final climb and then one more time down the Hippity Hops.
All good fun. The rain stayed away and although I don’t think it helped with my technique on any of these sections it did make a change from the usual night rides and Myles took some photos too. The next ride for me will be the Dyfi Enduro on Sunday.