Tagged: Injury

Back to the Running 0

Back to the Running

I don’t want to speak too soon, but after a few weeks off running due to a knee injury I’ve taken my first tentative steps towards become a fully rounded triathlete again. I’ve still be swimming and biking despite the knee injury, but to be a triathlete you need to be running as well and...

Aqua-Jogging Workout 1

Aqua-Jogging Workout

<a HREF=”http://ws.amazon.co.uk/widgets/q?rt=tf_cw&ServiceVersion=20070822&MarketPlace=GB&ID=V20070822%2FGB%2Falslikklworls%2F8010%2F920056c4-9508-40b9-a7d5-9daeb9be6fe7&Operation=NoScript”>Amazon.co.uk Widgets</a> In order to maintain some run fitness whilst unable to run due to a knee injury I decided to give aqua-jogging a go the other day. I may look like a complete fool doing it, but I actually quite enjoyed it! I thought that aqua-jogging non-stop for a whole session would be...

Knee Problems 5

Knee Problems

I suppose it had to happen at some point, but why now? Many years ago in my late teens when I used to run, I always had problems with my knees. It was probably one of the main reasons why I stopped training for and competing in triathlons when I was 20. That, and the...

Hardwick Triathlon: 3 Lessons in Triathlon Preparation 1

Hardwick Triathlon: 3 Lessons in Triathlon Preparation

Here we go again, another triathlon to compete in on Sunday and the excuses are coming thick and fast. I’m competing in the Hardwick Triathlon in Tewkesbury tomorrow, but thanks to my recent lack of training due to torn ligaments in my ankle I was expecting it to be more of a training session and...

Exercise – It’s not good for you! 13

Exercise – It’s not good for you!

I’m supposed to be competing in a 1km swim in Lake Bala on Saturday. A few fellow members of the INTR Tri club are coming along too as are some people from swimfit. The swim is organised byt he British Long Distance Swimming Association. I say ‘supposed’ to be doing it because I managed to...


Blue Nipple!

Just in case you didn’t believe that I had a blue nipple following my little incident on the final lap of Sleepless in the Saddle at the weekend, here for your enjoyment and delectation is photographic evidence!.. Sorry!


Brake Disc Branding

You’ve heard of people getting things related to their favourite sports tattooed on themselves, but I managed to ‘brand’ myself by burning a perfect imprint of a brake disc rotor into my calf. I’m telling you, it’ll be all the rage before long, no self-respecting mountain biker will be seen without one, what better way...