Aqua-Jogging Workout
In order to maintain some run fitness whilst unable to run due to a knee injury I decided to give aqua-jogging a go the other day.
I may look like a complete fool doing it, but I actually quite enjoyed it! I thought that aqua-jogging non-stop for a whole session would be pretty boring as you don’t really go anywhere particularly quickly so I decided to do a swim / aquajog session.
I started off with a steady swim warm up:
- 300m front crawl
- 200m f/c pull
- 100m kick
This was followed by the first swim set which was
- 800m at race pace
Next was the first aquajog set which lasted 20 minutes:
- 2 mins steady
- 3x 5 mins at tempo pace with 1 minute recovery in between each
Swim 2:
- 500m at race pace
Aquajog 2:
- 5x 2 mins at maximum effort with 1 min recovery between
Swim 3:
- 3x 250m at race pace with 15 secs recovery between reps
Aquajog 3:
- 10 mins at tempo speed
Cool down:
- Easy Swim
The entire workout lasted about 1.5 hours and as I said, I quite enjoyed it. It was nice to do something a little different and the aqua-jogging set were fairly hard work at times. It won’t quite have the same benefits as proper running but it should help keep some fitness whilst I’m injured and will hopefully mean that I’ll be able to pretty much pick up where I left off with my running once my knee is fully healed. I’m planning another of these swim / aquajog sessions this weekend and then a very easy run on the beach next week just to see how my knee is feeling. If it all feels OK on that short run on a soft surface I shall try another slightly longer run a few days later and hopefully, all being well will get back up to speed with some proper run training after that.
Of course, if there is any pain in my knee on the test runs I shall stop and lay off the running for a little longer. If that’s the case then I expect to be spending lots of time in the pool aqua-jogging away whilst trying to ignore the funny looks I get from everyone!
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