Category: General


OVO Energy Women’s TOur

I had a slightly different day at work on Friday. Rather than the usual day in the office and labs at the University it was off to Builth Wells for a schools outreach day at the OVO Energy Women’s Tour. It did mean that Marco and I had an early start and a drive through...



Cosmo is never going to be as chilled and friendly as Luna was but here she is in a rare chilled moment in her tunnel. Parkin is probably sat just outside shot trying to avoid eye contact with anyone but not wanting to miss out on any food opportunities!


Brigg Bomber Quadrathlon World Championships

This was the big race in many peoples Quadrathlon Calendar. It wasn’t just a World Cup race, but the actual World Championships so the field was stacked and many of the top Quadrathletes were there and fighting fit. It would be fast up at the pointy end! I wouldn’t be troubling that end of the...


Quadrathlon Camp Day 1

You’d be forgiven for thinking that after a day away racing in the Fishguard Bay Ocean Race I’d be happy to have a slow start the next day. Try telling by body that. Instead it was up at 5am and raring to go. I didn’t want to leave too early for North Wales though. I...


Fishguard Bay Ocean Race

Typical hey? It’d been months and months, possibly more than a year since I’d had even the slightest sniffle, but I woke up on Friday feeling a little Bleurgh! I had a sore throat and just felt a little weak, nothing too bad but not ideal the day before the first event of the year....

Punching through the waves 1

Why Surf Ski? What’s it all about?

Whenever I tell anyone that I’ve been surf-skiing they always look at me a little blankly and don’t know what it is. People I would expect to know don’t seem to know what a surf ski is either. To make matters worse, even once I’ve explained to them what the ski itself is like and...


A Swarm in May

A swarm in May is worth a load of hay; a swarm in June is worth a silver spoon; but a swarm in July is not worth a fly. This a proverbial bee-keepers’ saying, from the mid 17th century meaning that the later in the year it is, the less time there will be for bees to collect pollen...


The Four L’s of Exploring Western Scotland

When compiling words to describe Scotland as a nation, dramatic may come high up on the list, alongside others like striking, impressive, and awe-inspiring. There are so many different reasons to drop by a Glasgow hotel and/or spa, island hop in the Outer Hebrides, it seems unfair to box it in or otherwise categorise. Yet...


Isle of Man Coast Path – Derby Haven to The Sound

Hot on the heels of my first Coast Path run along the Raad ny Fooilan Coastal Path on the Isle of Man it was time for another go. The last one had been fairly short from Douglas to Derby Haven so I set off after breakfast to Derby Haven ready to continue on my way....


Busy Easter Bunnies

That was quite a busy Easter weekend. Friday was spent heading back from the Isle of Man – we did have Hot Cross Buns at Pat’s before leaving though, and Fish and Chips in Machynlleth – It is customary to have fish on Good Friday isn’t it? If not, then I’m making it a new...