Category: Lifestyle

Greenhouse Veg 0

Busy Days are the Best Days

Sunday was a nice busy day for us – just for a change! As usual it started fairly early for me at around 6am when I got up, checked e-mails etc. and had some breakfast before heading off to Machynlleth in Anna’s Fiat 500 hire car for a run. My planned session was a fairly easy one...

Chocolate Brownies 0

Chocolate Brownies for Breakfast

Mmm, Chocolate Brownies for breakfast today!! Anna asked me to make some Baklava Muffins for her to take to work on Tuesday but I decided to bake some brownies instead. Of course, having baked them we had to try them before giving them out to her work colleagues and they were perfect. Crispy on top with...

Banana Curry Recipe 1

Banana Curry Recipe

Now that was a delicious dinner! With little work on at the moment I’ve become a bit of a house-husband so I’m doing my best to rustle up some new and different dishes for dinner. So, today after a quick run (3x 3 minute hill reps) doing the house-husband chores that I do each day...

Peanut Butter Squares 0

Evil Peanut-Butter Squares

Yep, these little beauties were pretty nice! They are evil though as each little square which is barely more than a mouthful has somewhere in the region of 150 calories. Trouble is they are just far too easy to pop in your mouth. It’s not surprising that they are so calorific mind you as the...

Banana Muffins 0

Run, Swim and Muffins

Who’d would have thought it, after a solid twelve hours under wall to wall sunshine in the garden yesterday, there were some snow flurries on my run this morning! It was pretty chilly out there running around the hills behind Machynlleth but I managed to cover 9 miles up and over a pretty big hill....

Behind the House 2

A Hard Day in the Garden

Well, as predicted it was indeed a gorgeous day today, and after a solid 12 hours working in the garden my back is killing me and it’s time for a well-earned rest. I started off with a little bit of gardening at 6am this morning, doing quiet things like weeding so as not to wake...

A Windy Fartlek Run 1

A Windy Fartlek Run

Fartlek is always a funny word for us and when included with the word ‘windy’ I guess it’s a little funnier, but a fartlek session what I had planned for yesterdays main training session so that’s what I did. For those who don’t know what it means, Wikipedia have it defined as: Fartlek, which means “speed...

Christmas Muffins 1

Christmas Muffins

Mmmmm, the house is suddenly full of the aromas of Christmas – I know it’s April but I don’t care as it smells scrumptious! It’s all thanks to the orange, cranberry and cherry muffins that I’ve just baked, complete with nutmeg and cinnamon topping. We’re also cooking a turkey, bacon and leek pie which smells pretty Christmassy...

Baklava Muffin 5

Rest Day Muffins

It’s a rest day for me today and for some reason on rest days I just can’t stop eating! I don’t know if its because my body is repairing itself and recovering from the training or just  because I’ve got more time as I’m not spending half of it swimming, cycling and running, but whatever it...

Where did we go on a Wherigo Cache? 0

Where did we go on a Wherigo Cache?

It was our final day on the Isle of Man today so we only had the morning to play before catching the boat back. The weather was still cold at around 3°C and the wind had picked up to a nice force 6 easterly just in time for the ferry crossing! So as to continue...