Pottery Classes

Our pottery classes are coming to an end so it’s been a little difficult to decide what to do next as there doesn’t seem to be much point starting new projects as we won’t have time to finish them – it takes weeks what with drying time, firing time, decorations, glazes and a second firing. But similarly we woulnd’t have much to do if we didn’t start something new.

That said, we’ve had trouble all along deciding what to do and in some ways it doesn’t really matte as more often than not the clay dictates what it will become anyway – especially when throwing something on the wheel as we don’t quite have the control to dictate what we’re actually going to make!

We also have a couple of classes to catch up on, so I went on my own last night whilst Anna was playing in the band at the bandstand. As well as trimming a bowl that I made on Monday I did start a new pot/bowl as well. It was more for the practise than to actually make anything but it came out looking quite good (for me), so I spent some time drying it with a heat gun and will hopefully be able to trim it and send it off for bisque firing on Monday.

So far my creations have all been small bowls – only big enough to ouse snacks. It’s a good excuse for snacks and fun to use our own creations at home, but hopefully the two I’m working on at the moment will be a little larger and I’ll be able to use them for desserts as well!

Here’s a couple of photos of Anna in action from Monday too, along with her latest creations.

1 Response

  1. Avatar forComment Author Mum x says:

    Looking good
    What’s the next project?
    Something in between a canoe and pots ?

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Alan Cole

Alan is a Freelance Website Designer, Sports & Exercise Science Lab Technician and full time Dad & husband with far too many hobbies: Triathlete, Swimming, Cycling, Running, MTBing, Surfing, Windsurfing, SUPing, Gardening, Photography.... The list goes on.

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