Catching up in the Garden
The garden always looks a little untidy and overgrown at this time of year. I kind of like to let it do its own thing to a certain extent so it’s partly by design, but my OCD and perfectionism can’t stand it for too long. It was therefore good to get out there at the weekend and tidy a few things up.
Anna’s suggestion was that ‘it will be winter soon and it’ll all die back anyway so why not just leave it’. She does have a point, but getting on top of a few things now seemed like a better idea to me. I didn’t do too much and don’t like to cut too much back as it’s good for the wildlife if I can leave seed heads on plants and let leaves and other debris collect here and there.
That said, I fixed the water feature (again), tidied up around the pond, and cut a few other things back so that access was a little easier. I strimmed the edges too and pulled out some weeds and grass from where they shouldn’t be. I also cleared up around the saplings we have at the back of the garden so as to give them a fighting chance against the nettles and brambles.
It’s surprising what an hour or so can do as things are looking nice out there again. The perfect place to relax afterwards with a cup of tea.
Wow pond looks as if its always been there !