A Smug Little Ride
Having missed a windsurf session on Saturday, it was time to get out in the hills for a ride. Colin had mentioned it to me in the week so I was expecting to head out with him and Steve. However, Colin went a little quiet on the subject as the weekend approached so it ended up being just me and Steve.
It was a grey kind of day, but not too cold and not raining. There was very little wind as well. We were doing the same route that Steve and I had done the last time we’d been for a ride. That time I’d been a fair bit quicker than him on the climbs, but a fair bit slower on the descents. I decided to balance things out a little this time by heading out on my mountain bike rather than my gravel bike. Steve would be on his gravel bike. The MTB would slow me down somewhat on the climbs making things more even. Also, seeing as it’s my lack of skills and confidence on the descent that slows me down, the mountain bike should be faster for me on the descents. Even if it wasn’t faster it would be more fun and less scary!
My plan worked, I was still a little quicker on the climbs. Not by much, which did mean that Steve actually put in more effort than he was intending because he wasn’t too far behind. We stopped at the top for a smug photo to send to Colin who was missing out!
Steve was still faster than me on the descents, but again only by a few seconds so we pretty much stayed together for the whole ride. There was nothing much of note but it was good to get out for a Sunday morning blast.