Solar Maximum
Just a quick update on ‘the solars’. As expected, both average daily production and total production from the solar panels has been increasing throughout the year. The graphs of these therefore look pretty good. There was quite a jump between February and March and then a gradual increase throughout March, April, May and June.
We’re not sure what July will bring yet. So far it’s been a relatively poor start to the month. I guess as the days shorten and we move away from the solstice then we would expect a decline. July and August are also usually the hottest months and the extra temperature will reduce the output somewhat too. Ideal conditions are cool but with direct sunlight. July could of course surprise us yet but so far it looks as though we may have hit our solar maximum during June and it’s downhill for the next 6 months.
Our best day so far was actually June 22nd with a total output of 29.3kWh. I’m not sure if we’ll ever break the 30kWh mark. Interesting that it fell pretty much around the summer solstice though.
Some more stats for June:
- Total production: 600kWh
- Average Daily Production: 20kWh
It’s going to feel weird in those dark winter months between November and February when we have to start importing from the gird again! That’s the way of solar power though. Plenty during the summer when you don’t need as much, not so useful in the winter when you could do with it. That said, the battery, the MyEnergi Zappi and the MyEnergi Harvi mean that we have been able to utilise most of what we’ve produced over the summer so we’re making the most of it. Come the winter the battery will be force charged overnight so that we’ll at least be able to maximise the cheap rate electricity.
How did you get on regarding positioning a second battery?
We haven’t heard back yet – but they did say it would be July before we heard from them so we’ll see.
Oh ok well a couple of week yet then x