Family Photos in the Garden
There’s very little happening here at the moment. Just the usual. We are working and schooling from home – although Morgan does go back to school for real next week. We’ve pretty much exhausted all of the possible walks from home. Fortunately, living on the coast does mean that the scenery changes daily so walking on the beach keeps us sane. I’ve pretty uch got the garden under control ready for summer as well. Although there’s lots to be done out the front. Plans are afoot for that though. So, as there’s little happening and little to update you on here’s a couple of photos of us in the garden. It’s very rare to get photos of us all together these days, mainly due to the fact that it’s rare to get Morgan outside!
And here’s one of me on the beach in typical February beach attire – I had just been for a swim in the sea so needed to warm up!