Relaxed Cruising
Rather than wait for later in the day I thought I’d go for a windsurf first thing this morning. Always a good bet, just in case the wind drops. Having hoped to be out on my 5m sail and 85ltr wave board I took my 5.7m and larger 104ltr freeride board over with me as well, just in case. As it happens, it wasn’t quite as windy as I thought so I’m glad I had them with me as I ended up out on the bigger kit.
I was nicely powered in the 18-20 knot NW winds for a nice relaxed cruise for an hour or so.
With that done it was off to the hills on my gravel bike for some hill reps. Five of them in total, and each one a full 12 minutes long. It made for a nice elevation profile if nothing else.

Not a bad start to the weekend.