Christmas Lunch in a Box
Food Boxes
We’ve been doing well with our boxes of food this year. Gousto, Hello Fresh and MyCookbox have all been living up to expectations and better still, thanks to the referral program and people using our links to sign up to receive cut price boxes we’ve earned lots of free boxes ourselves as well.
As a reminder here are some of the offers available:
- Gousto are currently offering you 50% off when you sign up with our referral code.
- Hello Fresh will give you £20 off a box with this link
- And MyCookBox will give you £15 off with this link.
Christmas Lunch Box
With this in mind we decided to go for a Christmas Lunch box as well this year. We’ve tried various things for Christmas Lunch over the past few years, from expensive high end 5 bird roasts through to cheap and cheerful frozen joints from Iceland.
Anna decided to order from Hello Fresh this year as it was one less thing to worry about. We have some credit with them thanks to referrals but as this was a one-off special box we couldn’t use that towards it so had to pay the full £70. Mind you, £70 isn’t too bad for everything you need for a Christmas Dinner. The box arrived today complete with:
- Turkey
- Turkey Wings
- Pigs in Blankets
- Stuffing
- Pancetta
- Brussel Sprouts
- Onion
- Red Onion
- Carrots
- Red Cabbage
- Potatoes
- Parsnips
- Apple
- Garlic
- Rosemary
- Lemon
- Apple Juice
- Butter
- Italian Style Grated Hard Cheese
- Chicken Stock
- Palin Flour
- Balsamic Vinegar
- Honey
- Pecans
- Dried Cranberries
- Caster Sugar
- Ground Cinnamon
- Star Anise
- Polenta
- Dried Thyme
- Truffle Powder
Everything we’ll need for the perfect Christmas dinner. Both fridges are now full and the fridge in the beach room is looking particularly festive.
I have to admit that we will be supplementing the already extensive ingredients list with Yorkshire Puddings, Suede, Cranberry Sauce, Broccoli and Cauliflower Cheese. Oh, and of course pâté for starters and mince pies, clotted cream and Christmas Cake for puddings. Probably cheese and biscuits too!
We’ve got plenty of treats out ready for Christmas now that we’ve all finished work and school too.
Thankfully Morgan’s last day at school for the term went without a hitch and there was no sign of the threatened ‘mass shooting’! – That’s a story for another day though.
The Christmas Feast Box from Hello Fresh obviously came with full instructions too. These included more information on the ingredients.
A handy ‘Christmas Day Timings’ chart

Preparation instructions for the Night Before
Instructions for the big day itself
And some last minute tips for time to eat.
We can’t wait for our Christmas Day Feast now.
We were given lots of vouchers for free boxes for new sign ups too so if you want a free box from Hello Fresh and haven’t tried them before let us know and we’ll send you a code.
I didn’t realise Hello Fresh did Christmas boxes. Great idea. Enjoy your feast!
Well, hopefully the fact that I’ve educated people on the fact that Hello Fresh do Christmas boxes and essentially given them free advertising will mean that we’ll get some credit from the referral scheme at some point… If there’s one thing better than delicious food, it’s delicious free food!!! 🙂
Merry Christmas,