Windsurfing in June
- Strong winds – 30-40 knots WNW
- Big(ish) Waves – 3-4 foot messy surf
- Sunshine
- New sail – 5m Gun Transwave
- New Harness – Gun Trion
- An Hour or so to spare
All adds up to big fun and sore ribs!
- New 5m Sail
- New Gun Transwave Sails
All felt fine with the new kit and I was well powered up and flying along through the whitewater. A Nice gybe out the back and flying back in skimming across the choppy sea. Under control but having fun. Or at least i thought I was under control until I had a big crash and slammed my ribs into my fast at full speed. Winded and in pain for a while but continued for about half an hour or so.
I’m in a fair bit of pain today though. I went for a swim this morning but simply couldn’t do it. I managed 4 lengths then gave up and sat in the sauna for half an hour. The pain hasn’t eased at all through the day either. Just breathing hurts and breathing deeply more than hurts. I’m not sure what I’ll do for the weekend as I’m supposed to be racing in another Quadrathlon. Hopefully it’s just bruising and will have eased up by then.
I’ve been doing some self-diagnosis. There’s very little to show for it externally and it’s not too tender to touch either. I also still pretty much have full range of motion too. Most of the pain seems to be internal. It seems to hurt inside my chest and inside my up back – So I reckon I have some minor cardiac or pulmonary contusion – In other words heart and / or lung bruising. Makes sense really as slamming into something and suddenly coming to a complete stop is only going to make your internal organs crash into your rib cage and therefore bruise them.
Don’ think there’s much I can do about it though so I’ll just have to wait for it to get better. I’m not sure if it’ll be OK for my Quadrathlon on Sunday though. As Anna pointed out, this sort of thing is exactly why I stopped windsurfing while I was competing in Triathlons!
Sounds like you may have a broken rib? Or two…..
Still hurts then?
Remember quadrathlons are for fun !
Hope you feel better soon if not a trip to A&E may make sense x
Great video!