Climbing the Highest Mountain in Wales
We thought we’d introduce Morgan to the joys of hill walking at the weekend as he hasn’t really done any before and where better to start than the highest mountain in Wales. To be honest, it really is the best place to start, not only is it quite an easy climb but the fact that he knew he was heading for the highest point in Wales was quite a motivation for him and he really wanted to do it.
It was Anna’s birthday weekend as well so we thought it would be a nice family day out.
We set off at 7am and drove to the Snowdon Ranger Youth Hostel where we were starting our assault on the summit. I’d picked the Snowdon Ranger path as it is one of the more direct routes, has some lovely views back down to Llyn Cwelyn and isn’t too long. It’s also one of the quieter routes which is a good thing on Snowdon during the summer holidays.
We set off in the sunshine and swapped positions on the path with another family a few times. As we stopped to take off layers they’d overtake us, when they stopped for a rest we overtook them, when we stopped to find a geocache they took the lead and on it went up the hill. The first part of the path zigzags up a hill then it eases off for a while. We stopped for a geocache here and then headed on up with the steep climb to the railway looming large ahead of us.
Anna started struggling with sore legs once we started the big climb, but Morgan was off and climbing well. Unencumbered by heavy boots or a rucksack there was no stopping him. I had a very heavy rucksack with me carrying all of our extra clothes, first aid kit, camera, maps and even the iPad and Anna had a small backpack with food in it. Morgan however had nothing and found the going easy. I let him lead the way and followed close behind, chatting as we went. We stopped to let Anna catch us every now and then as she made her way up the hill as well, albeit in some pain.
- Having a rest
- Morgan on Snowdon
Once we crossed the railway line and joined the Llanberis path we slotted in with the throngs heading towards the summit. The Pyg Track, Miners Track and Crib Coch trail soon join the final climb to the summit as well and by now the place was full of people. Once at the summit it was crazy, we literally had to queue for our turn at the trig point as there were thousands of people here all trying to get there and have the obligatory photo.
The summit was shrouded in cloud by now and it was pretty cold and windy so after a quick stop at the top for Morgan we headed into the packed cafe for a hot chocolate and some food. It was standing room only in there though and the place was heaving – Snowdon must surely be the busiest mountain-top in the world?
Whilst in the cafe we checked what you were supposed to do for the virtual geocache at the summit – you had to log the exact coordinates. So, after lunch it was back on with some more layers and Morgan and I headed back up to the trig point in order to do this cache. There is another real geocache somewhere around here as well but with so many people around there was chance of finding it. We therefore logged the virtual cache and started making our way back down.
I had thought about going down the Rhydd Ddu path, but the clouds had closed in and it was pretty windy so I don’t think Anna would have liked the fairly exposed crossing of Bwlch Main so we decided that the Rnager Path was the best bet. Probably a good thing as Morgan didn’t really like the wind at times on the way back down either and I don’t think he would have been too happy about the walk back along the road if we’d gone down the Rhydd Ddu path either.
Before we knew it we were back at the car where we did another geocache. We’d hoped to have sticky toffee pudding in the Youth Hostel but it wasn’t open. Morgan seemed to have enjoyed himself though and it was nice to see him get to the top of Wales. I think he was pretty pleased with himself too.
We stopped off in Beddgelert for ice creams and a wander around before I drove home whilst Anna and Morgan slept. The day was finished off with a chinese takeaway for me and Anna with (as per usual) far too much food for 2 people – We did eat it all though. Morgan had Super Noodles as they are his favourite at the moment!