Atrocious Training
Well, that was exciting!
Whatever happened to Spring? It’s horrendous out there and much more like winter. The air temperature has been around 4-5ºC all morning and according to the weather station in our garden the wind has been at around 40-50 knots all day so far. Needless to say it is pretty wild out there, but I had an open water swim and run planned so there was no wimping out.
The winds were blowing offshore though so the sea was fairly calm and I met everyone from INTRtri in Aberystwyth. After I paid my £2 to swim, Pete spring a little surprise on me by asking me to take charge of the faster group and be responsible for them whilst we were out there. About 15 people had turned which surprised me given the conditions. Pete’s group only stayed in for about 15 minutes. Most of my group stayed in for a little longer than that, Rowen braved it out for just under half an hour and so I did one more swim across the bay and back once she got out so that I stayed in for just over half an hour. It wasn’t particularly good from a training perspective but it’s always good to have a swim in the sea.
The run afterwards was horrendous though. Running into the wind was almost impossible. The first 5 hill reps were pretty difficult as I was still trying to warm back up ater the swim. My teeth were still chattering on the first one, despite wearing a bigger coat than I’ve ever worn whilst running and doing a 15 minute warm up. I got into it by the 5th rep though and completed all 10 so I’m happy with that.
Once at home it was time for some made courgette soup for lunch and now its time to laze in front of the fire all afternoon – I was going to go windsurfing, but I think I’ll give it a miss as I need to warm up first.
I’m not sure how much of a training benefit today has had as the weather wasn’t really conducive to quality training but I’m glad I;ve done it, feel beter for it and I’m sure it has been character building if nothing else.