World Triathlon Championships – 4 weeks to go
Thought I’d better post here to let you know how my preparations for the Age-Group World Championships are going – We have less than 4 weeks left until race-day so there’s less than available for improvement than you think there is!
After the European Champs in Turkey back in June (where I won in my age-group) I took things easy for a while and managed to put on 10kg in weight. That’s fairly easy to shift when I want to, but we’ve had lots of weekends away, visitors and camping trips over the summer, and each time we have one of those I seem to eat far too much. This weight gain hasn’t been helped by the fact that I’ve got into baking recently and I’m forever churning out Blueberry Muffins, Rotorua Mud Cakes, Honey and Polenta Cakes (Gluten free), Date cakes and everyones favourite when they try it, my Lemon, Lime and Poppy Seed Cake. Of course, baking them is one thing, but then you have to eat them, and of course eat the bowl scrapings during the process.
Training at least has been consistent. I went back to base level training for a few weeks during July, then into a strength and endurance phase which I have just about finished. As well as the usual hill reps and time trial efforts, this also included a couple of double brick sessions that I particularly enjoyed.
With less than 4 weeks left, I’ll be doing some speed work now for a few weeks, followed by a taper that will hopefully see me up to speed and then well rested ready for the race in London. Being he World Championships it is of course an ‘A’-priority race for me, but for some reason I’m just not quite as psyched-up for it as I was for the European Champs. That might change over the next few weeks, but I think the fact that I was (a) aiming to win in the European Championships and (b) travelling to Turkey specifically for them had me really focused on the event. It’s not the same for London, it’s in the UK for a start, we’ll be incorporating the race into a family holiday, and I’m not expecting to be anywhere near the podium let alone winning it.
The idea is just to have fun and finish off the season with a good race. Mind you, I think everyone else is expecting great things from me, I only hope they aren’t disappointed as the competition will be very tough in London.
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Do you know your race number yet as I can’t find it on web site
I think it is 21017.