‘Tis Autumn!
Summer didn’t hang around long this year! September arrived and so did Autumn, and with it came the winds.
Last week was windy everyday, 30-40 knots all day everyday in fact, so I obviously went windsurfing a few times and blew away some cobwebs.The weekend was set to be a good one too with wind forecast throughout and into the following week.
Steve came down on Saturday and we had a good sail in gusty conditions. Looking back at the videos I shot, it was sunny most of the time as well, but for some reason I seem to remember an almighty squall where the sea and sky turned a dark grey colour and the rain lashed down. It’s really weird out on the sea when this happens, the hammering rain splashes as it hits the water creating a slight haze just above it. It becomes difficult to see anything and the sea and sky blend into one. Also, and I’m not sure why, the sea seems to flatten off as well, the chop disappears and everything takes on a surreal, spooky kind of appearance. It’s actually quite good fun sailing in it as you suddenly seem to disappear into your own little world, unable to see anything around you other than greyness.
My achilles tendon was killing me by the end of the session though. I’m not sure if its from the windsurfing itself or the 3.5 mile barefoot run I did on Friday… Probably a combination of both.
Here’s a pathetic Back Loop attempt with nowhere near enough height.