Monthly Archive: May 2011

A frame of sealed brood 0

Hive Inspection Number 3

Things weren’t looking ideal for a hive inspection this weekend, strong winds, rain and a busy schedule were going to make things difficult. Saturday morning dawned warm(ish), fairly windy but with a gap in the rain so we quickly suited up and had a very quick inspection of both Clettwr and Leri. We were lucky...

Beach People 0

Beach People

Another day and another windsurf. Here are a few clips of just a few of the people who were out on the water yesterday. Me doing the filming, Steve and Tom windsurfing, Snoozer (Neal) kitesurfing.

5 Star Windsurf Session 0

5 Star Windsurf Session

What a session, blue skies, decent wind and lots of waves. I was well powered with my 5m sail and Naish Hybrid Freewave, a fun combination that led to a perfect windsurf session here at Ynyslas. Tom came you too so it was just the two of us and lots of jumps, gybes and playing...

Broom 0

Moth Trapping in Ceredigion – 19th May 2011

Last night was the first dry night for a while so despite the wind I put the moth trap out. Things were wuiet early on but there were moths in the trap this morning. Here’s the haul: 1 x Rustic Shoulder-knot 1 x Grey Pug 1 x Pale Tussock 2 x Shuttle-shaped Dart 2 x...

Leri (left) and Clettwr (right) 0

Happy Buzzy Bees

It seems as though ‘Alice’ and here colony are settling in well to their new home. Yes, we’ve not only named the hives – Clettwr and Leri, but the queens of each colony have names too. Ffion for the queen in Leri and Alice for the queen in Clettwr. Alice’s colony is a little behind...


Playmobil Surfing

Came across this today – Playmobil stopmotion surfing…..simply awesome!

Estuary Swim 0

Battling against the current

My schedule today included a 2km swim, so rather than drive to the pool I was determined to do an open water swim – In the rain of course. The westerly wind meant that the seafront was a little too rough so I headed off to the estuary where the water was dead calm. Suited...

Dandelion Flower 3

Dandelions – Friend or Foe

They may be considered weeds, but… They grow better than anything else around here. The guinea pigs love to eat the leaves. We can eat them and even make dandelion flower cookies. The bright yellow flowers are lovely. The seed heads are impressive. The bees can make honey from them. I think it’s time we...

Red Tailed Bumblebee No. 1 6

Bumblebee Photos – Which is Best?

The Aberystwyth Beekeepers Association has a photographic competition coming up, so Morgan and I are going to enter. The categories are: Inside the Hive Beekeepers Other Bees (not the honey bee) We are only allowed one photo per category so I now have to choose a single photo for each. I have to make sure Morgan...

Queen Cells 1

Another Day and Another Colony of Bees

Fortunately, the day after discovering we had queen cells in one of our new bee hives we had a meeting of the Aberystwyth Beekeepers Association. We therefore turned up at the meeting, along with my iPad loaded with a photo of the queen cells so that we could get some advice and opinions from other...