My moth makes it to the BBC
The Chamomile Shark moth that I caught last month has made it to the BBC. Article here and Slideshow here.
Hopefully the article will encourage a few more people to buy a moth trap and start moth trapping in Ceredigion, or prompt people who have been recording moths in the county to submit them to our new Ceredigion Moth Group and the County Recorder.
The new Chamomile Shark record only gets a passing mention and they don’t say that it was me who caught it, but that doesn’t really matter.
It does matter that it took quite a number of requests for them to acknowledge the copyright on my photos and to link to my website – which were the terms I presented them with when I granted them permission to use the photos. At first they used the photos but didn’t add the acknowledgments or link. It’s not that big a deal I know, but the BBC should know better and should be careful with copyright and acknowledgments. I did get them to acknowledge my photos in the end and eventually to add a link as well.