Last ride before the Dyfi Enduro – A reassuring Personal Best
Last night was the last MTB ride before the Dyfi Enduro for me. The idea was to meet the usual attendees of the Wednesday evening night ride at Pendam for an easy ride around the Summit Trail.
I found myself there and at a loose end at 5ish, a couple of hours early so rather than wait around for a couple of hours or drive home just to turn around and come back I thought I’d go for a ride on my own instead. I had intended to take it easy, but started off on the Pendam Trail and as usual started pushing a bit harder to see how close I could get to my Personal Best.
Last time I did it a few weeks ago I beat my previous best by almost 30 seconds with a time of 36:55. On that occasion I got to the Visitor Centre at under 15 minutes.
Last night, the trails were as good as they get, dry, dusty and smooth. There were very few people around and the conditions with only a fairly light wind were ideal too. I got to the visitor centre in under 15 minutes again and I was feeling good, so I started pushing hard from there.
I caught someone up on the Italian Job and got held up for a few seconds, but he soon got out of my way and I then went a little faster than I normally would down the rest of the Italian Job. The next few sections felt good, but by the time I reached the final climb I wasn’t sure how my time compared but it seemed as though it was quite a way to go in 5 minutes in order to beat my time.
As it turned out I had plenty of time and actually beat my personal best by over a minute with a time of 35:39. A fairly reassuring performance with the Dyfi Enduro in a few days time. I then headed off for an easier circuit of the bottom section of the Summit Trail – Mark of Zorro was lovely, leg burner felt OK too and I did it in a slightly higher gear than I normally would.