Christmas in Wales.
Hope you all had a good Christmas. We did here. No snow on the ground but if you looked close enough you could still see some on top of the hills. Morgan woke up at 4.30am and opened the presents in his stocking and then went back to sleep until about 8.30am.
After a quick breakfast and getting dressed, we started on the presents. Santa had been busy and there were loads of presents under the tree. Morgan was pretty excited about the Nintendo Wii that Santa had left for the whole family, but spent most of the day playing with either his pirates and their castle or his little pot of ‘fart putty’! Anna had lots of socks and quite a few nice kitchen gadgets and I had plenty of cycling, windsurfing and walking clothing. Santa didn’t forget about Pat either and she had plenty of presents to open as well.
The Wii which was the big present for the whole family went down well and we all had a go on the Wii Sports and Wii Sport Resort games. We haven’t had a ‘video game ‘ before and wanted something that would be fun for the whole family and more of a ‘social event’ when playing it. The games had to be suitable for Morgan as well. He is pretty good at the bowling! It is a bit tedious swapping controllers all the time so I’m off to eBay to buy a new controller, motion plus attachment and Nunchuck. We’ll also need some new games as well.
We are also quite impressed with the BBC iPlayer facility through the Wii. Connecting it to the Wifi network was easy and then it allows you to subscribe to various channels. BBC iPlayed is one of these channels, the interface is nice and works really well eveb with our relatively slow Broadband connection. Watching iPlayer on the TV screen is much beter than watching it on the computer. There is also an internet channel which seems to work OK as well, but web sites are better viewed on the computer!.
Xmas dinner was of course delicious. The four bird roast was nice and there was plenty left over for various other meals. Some of it went into the freezer for use in curries over the next couple of weeks as well.
The weather was really nice all morning, perfectly sunny and still so I thought we might go for a walk on the beach. But, by the time we had recovered from lunch it had clouded over and looked pretty threatening out there so we ended up not leaving the house.
All in all a nice day and good to have a few days off work too.
- Pressies under the tree
- Xmas Oranges
- Power Ranger Claws!
- More fluffly socks!
- It’s a Wii!
- Night Vision Goggles
- Goggles
- Fairy Lights
- Pirate Castle
Glad you all had a good time. Didn’t the Wii come with a
nun chuck? Mine had one nunchuck, one remote and the bowling/tennis/golf/baseball game.
We had a lot of fun with that until we got Guitar Hero!!
It’s so much fun we now have it on the PS2 as well and between
the two systems we now have five differnt versions; and now we also have Beatles Rockband on Wii, which was my present from me to me.
Hi Lesley, Hope you had a good Xmas too.
Ours came with a Nunchuck, a Wii Remote, a Motion Plus and the Sports game and also Sports Resort which has about 12 different sports games within it. Not bad for £150. If two people want to play at the same time we need another Nunchuck, Wii Remote and Motion Plus… All have been ordered today though.
I’ll have to start looking for some new games too. Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort have quite a few to keep us busy for a while but we’ll want some others too. I don’t think we’ll be into Guitar hero and other games of that genre.