Tagged: Gardening

Bean Seedlings 0

Spring Seedlings

We’re doing well this year with our seed sowing and preparatory gardening. I’ve been busy tidying up and preparing the garden for summer. I’ve even mowed the lawn a couple of times already. The harsh winter does mean that we’ve lost a few plants, but we’ll hopefully get around to replacing some of them soon....

Lawn Destruction 0

More Garden Destruction

My poor garden is being dug up yet again – This time courtesy of BT. How many times does one man have to re-seed his lawn.

Palm Tree 1

Palm Tree Relocation

After a morning bike ride on Saturday, we made the most of the glorious Spring day and did some work in the garden. I’d already done some work on the water feature before my ride and while I was out Anna and Morgan had been busy sowing seeds. I’m not 100% sure what they’ve planted...

Crocus 0

Colour in the Garden

It’s nice to see some Spring colour in the garden. We’ve also started to think about sowing seeds for the summer vegetables as well. On the list are courgettes, beans, peas, tomatoes, peppers and chilli’s. We already have garlic, onions and leeks that are doing well and hopefully the herbs and soft fruit will be...

Rising Floor level 0

Conservatory Update – Drastic action

Work on the conservatory continues at a pace. On Friday the builders were increasing the height of the floor so have been filling the area with hardcore and then wandering around on top of it with a big, noisy whacker plate. They’ve also just started cutting into the walls of the house with a big...

Great Tit 0

Nesting Material for the Birds

With nesting time for  the birds fast approaching and our big fat furry cat malting all over the house we’ve been collecting her fur and plan on putting it out for the birds to use as nesting material. It may not be much but it all helps and any time or energy the birds can...

The beginnings of a conservatory 0

Diggers in the Garden

And so the annual appearance of a ‘digger in the garden’ begins. Hopefully it won’t make too much of a mess of my nicely manicured lawn this year as they shouldn’t need to go anywhere other than the area around where the new conservatory will be.

Snowdrops 0

Spring is Here

It’s Saturday February 26th and I think we can say that Spring is definitely here. It’s been a  glorious sunny day, albeit with a cool breeze, and there are flowers in the garden. A couple of crocuses, the first of the daffodils with plenty of others soon to follow and some snowdrops. Everything else seems...

Water Feature Woes 0

Water Feature Woes

The new water feature that we installed last July survived the winter, despite being turned into an ice feature. I turned it on a few weeks ago and it was working fine. It’s been going well and the birds love it, I checked it on Friday and all was still well, then Saturday morning it,...