Category: General

A Cruise for Christmas? 1

A Cruise for Christmas?

I’ve got an other guest post for you today, this time all about taking a cruise for Christmas, which I’m sure would be lovely. Although, I’d have to check with Santa to make sure he could still find us if we were away on Christmas Eve! A Cruise for Christmas? With Christmas approaching, sometimes you...

Movember Toes 3

Movember Toes

Facial hair and me don’t go well together. I should really try growing a ‘tache for Movember in order to raise money and support men’s health programmes that combat prostate and testicular cancer. “These programmes, directed by the Movember Foundation, are focused on awareness and education, living with and beyond cancer, and research to achieve our...

Doctor Who 0

Doctor Who at the Arts Centre

Morgan is a bit of a Doctor Who fan – I’ve never seen the appeal myself – and with the new series starting soon he’s been getting a little excited. Not helped by the fact that the Tardis, K9 and a Dalek were at the Arts Centre the other day. We actually know the people...

The new iMac 2

Time for a new iMac

If you can’t decide which new iMac to get, then the decision process I went through whilst deciding which iMac to buy may just hep you. That’s why I’m sharing it here. Mac vs PC Before you Windows guys tell me to ‘get a PC’, it won’t work. I’ve used Apple Macintosh computers ever since my...

Lego Organiser 0

Lego Organiser

I have to say, I quite like this. It appeals to my sense of order and tidiness. Nice one Morgan!!! Widgets

Browsers 0

Password Managers – LastPass, 1Password and iCloud Keychain

I’m forever advising clients about online security and the importance of secure, unique passwords, but it is amazing how lax some people can be with their passwords and how blasé they are with regards to online security. The Problem with Passwords Passwords of course aren’t the ideal way of protecting our accounts online for a...

Fireworks 0

Machynlleth Lantern Parade & Fireworks

Some photos from this years lantern parade and fireworks display in Machynlleth. It was a little damp once again, but still good fun and some of the lanterns were pretty impressive. This years theme for the lantern parade was ‘Space’, and the spaceman lantern at the front of the parade certainly stole the show.

Welsh Nails 1

New Nails

They are a little scratched and worn already, but I thought I’d better share my new nails with you. The Union Jacks that I had ready for the World Championships have been replaced by a more Welsh theme.


Multi tasking from a young age

Morgan has recently started to learn the cornet and school and it he says he is really enjoying it. He has been practising every day and we are looking forward to him learning a few more notes so he can play some tunes. At the moment he can play C and D very nicely! At...

Varroa Treatment 0

Treating our Bees for Varroa

We haven’t treated our bees in the past as there has been very little sign of any varroa problems in our hives. However we did a varroa drop count the other day and over a period of 24 hours there was getting on for 10 varroa mites on the varroa board of one of the...