Category: Hobbies & Pastimes

Beekeeping Meeting 1

Aberystwyth Beekeepers Practical

The beginning of a new week already – It’s a shame the weekend had to end as it was a really lovely one here in West Wales. Clear blue skies, temperatures around 20ºC, light winds and not too busy. We got lots done in the garden and also attended an Aberystwyth Beekeepers Association practical session....

Pebble Prominent 0

Some Lovely Moths

After fencing all day and a warm evening, it looked like a nice night for some moth trapping so out went the trap and then Morgan and I examined it this morning. There weren’t huge quantities in there but there was a nice selection including some more impressive ones. 7 x Shoulder stripe 1 x...

Al hard at work 3

Erecting a Fence

We had a busy day in the garden yesterday and some gorgeous Spring weather. The temperature reached 21.2ºC and it was clear blue skies all the way. Anna and Morgan popped into town to get some concrete and a few additional bits and bobs along with some new plants while I made a start on...

Bean Seedlings 0

Spring Seedlings

We’re doing well this year with our seed sowing and preparatory gardening. I’ve been busy tidying up and preparing the garden for summer. I’ve even mowed the lawn a couple of times already. The harsh winter does mean that we’ve lost a few plants, but we’ll hopefully get around to replacing some of them soon....

Lawn Destruction 0

More Garden Destruction

My poor garden is being dug up yet again – This time courtesy of BT. How many times does one man have to re-seed his lawn.

Incoming Starling 2

Wildlife Photography with a GoPro HD

I thought I’d try to use my GoPro HD video camera to do some wildlife photography. So, I set it to timelapse mode where it will take a still photo using its 5 Megapixel camera every 30 seconds. I then attached it to the pergola, pretty close to the bird feeder. Topped up the bird...

Clouded Drab Moth photo 1

Photographing Moths

After the success of Sunday nights Moth Trapping I thought I’d have another go on Monday. The skies were a little clearer so temperatures dropped to 5.7ºC but with light winds we still had quite a good haul: 1 x Mottled Grey 20 x Shoulder stripe 3 x Emmelina monodactyla 7 x Dotted Border 4 x...

Palm Tree 1

Palm Tree Relocation

After a morning bike ride on Saturday, we made the most of the glorious Spring day and did some work in the garden. I’d already done some work on the water feature before my ride and while I was out Anna and Morgan had been busy sowing seeds. I’m not 100% sure what they’ve planted...

Crocus 0

Colour in the Garden

It’s nice to see some Spring colour in the garden. We’ve also started to think about sowing seeds for the summer vegetables as well. On the list are courgettes, beans, peas, tomatoes, peppers and chilli’s. We already have garlic, onions and leeks that are doing well and hopefully the herbs and soft fruit will be...