Machynlleth Lantern Parade and Fireworks 2023

It’s been ages since we were last at the Machynlleth Lantern Parade and Fireworks. We used to go every year and even entered our own lanterns for a few years (along with the Borth Scouts, while we were Scout Leaders I should add). I’ve just taken a look back through the weblog archives and it seems as though the last time we were there was back in 2016, 7 years ago. How does the time fly by so quickly? I’m sure we must have been to one since then?

We addressed this last night when all three of us headed off for an evening out. It was pretty miserable weather all day long and still pretty windy and raining as we were leaving so we all wrapped up warm with plenty of layers. Morgan even got to try out some of the new kit he’s got ready for his trip to Canada.

It was a dark dreary drive to Machynlleth, but once we were there the rain had stopped and things were looking OK. We usually watch the lantern parade, go to the fireworks and then treat ourselves to a takeaway from the kebab house. Today everyone was hungry so our first stop was the Take Away! They took a while to prepare our order so we only just got out in time to see the lanterns go by and then sat on a bench on the high street eating our dinner.

The parade seemed quite a bit smaller than it used to be. Maybe a few years off due to Lockdowns and such like means it has lost some impetus. The lanterns that were there were nice to see though. With a Samba band at the front of the parade and another at the back, it seemed more like a battle of the Samba Bands than a lantern parade.

Suitably full of kebab we then headed off to the football ground ready for the fireworks. There was a bit of wait but it was dry, there was little wind and all the layers we were wearing meant we were comfortable enough. Again, the field was less busy than it used to be but there were still quite a few people there.

The fireworks themselves were as impressive as ever though.

There wasn’t much to do once they were over with though, just a stroll back to the car and a drive home to watch a movie. It may have been a dark and dreary day, but it was nice to get out for a bit and nice to support the parade and the fireworks. Next will be the turning on of the Christmas Lights I guess… Yep, Christmas is coming and it will be a weird one for us as Morgan will be away so it’ll be just Anna and I.

1 Response

  1. Avatar forComment Author Mum x says:

    We remember going a few times with you …once trying to embarrass you by dancing outside the sweet shop !

    You are welcome here for Chrismas but we don’t do . We pop into Kia’s for an hour on Christmas day then have everyone around on boxing day

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Alan Cole

Alan is a Freelance Website Designer, Sports & Exercise Science Lab Technician and full time Dad & husband with far too many hobbies: Triathlete, Swimming, Cycling, Running, MTBing, Surfing, Windsurfing, SUPing, Gardening, Photography.... The list goes on.

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